For new clients, a consultation is required for all Vivid Color services.

Vivid hair colors are outside the traditional realm of hair color.  Vivids are also known as fantasy colors, fun hair color, rainbow colors, unicorn hair or mermaid hair.

Vivid Hair is at it’s best when its applied to pre-lightened hair.  The lighter or blonder the hair, the truer the Vivid will be.

Our lightning process is coupled with a bond-builder to preserve the integrity of the hair while it’s being lifted.

The colors used for this service are semi-permanent.  This means that Vivid colors or direct dyes sit on top of the hair shaft.  The color molecule of these fantasy colors are too large to fit into the cortex of the hair like traditional hair color.  This procedure means that every time Vivid hair is washed, the color will fade.

We recommend having dark towels and pillow cases.  Washing in cold water is best and 1-2 times per week for longevity.  The more the hair is washed, the quicker the Vivid color fades.


Specialty Color – Vivids

  • This is booked as an hourly service at $130+ per hour with minimum of three hours for the appointment.


Specialty Color – Vivids Retouch

  • This is for 6-8 weeks maintenance on your Vivids.  If it has been longer than eight weeks, please book the specialty Vivid colors to ensure proper timing.
  • Pricing is $115+ per hour with minimum of two hours.